• Membership Eligibility
• Cost of Membership
• Join FERC
• Reactivate Membership
The club is self-funded and therefore we do ask our members to pay nominal annual dues. These membership dues are used for club operating expenses such as the Newsletter distributions, club mailings, etc. and to help support charitable activities as approved by the FERC Board. The membership fiscal year runs from June 1 to May 31. Dues are billed annually (normally in May). Dues for first time applicants who join after June 1 are prorated according to the number of months remaining in the fiscal year.
  • Annual dues are $36 per year.
    NOTE: When a member has a spouse who also qualifies to join the club as a former FedEx employee, the spouse is automatically a member at no additional charge for dues until such time the member passes away. In other words, you won't be charge two membership fees for the same household. You will need to contact the membership committee at fercmembership@hotmail.com so that your FedEx spouse can be added to the membership roster.
  • Member-at-Large annual dues are the same as the other members, $36.
To join as a new member complete the membership application located on the Join FERC link above.

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Not all benefits apply to all FedEx subsidiaries; check with the provider to determine if you qualify.
Discounts and advertisements are provided for information purposes only and are not endorsed by the FedEx Retiree Club.
Page Updated 4/2/23