The FedEx Retiree Club has more than 800 members in West Tennessee and across the Nation. The Club membership constitutes a demographic of well educated retirees who are still young enough to enjoy life to its fullest. As a sponsor of the FedEx Retiree Club, your company's ad will be published in our Newsletter based on the size and duration selected at the time of payment. As an added bonus, a banner will be included, at no additional charge, on the FERC website for the same duration. Click here for information on sizing and rates.

Please submit the following form and a representative from FERC will contact you to discuss your specific needs and help you produce an effective display ad.

Advertiser Inquiry Form:
Name: Email:

Pay the full amount in U.S. dollars when submitting the ad.
Refunds will be prorated if the advertiser withdraws the ad.

©2024 FedEx Retiree Club. All Rights Reserved. Legal Notice
Not all benefits apply to all FedEx subsidiaries; check with the provider to determine if you qualify.
Discounts and advertisements are provided for information purposes only and are not endorsed by the FedEx Retiree Club.
Page Updated 6/24/24